MCT, Upgrade Assistent and Assistive Upgrade all still use Combined(SL)(N) ESD's. Only for IP builds they will probably go UUP only (+ iso).
This is just an estimate on previous others the release dates well as should expect next Wednesday (Windows 10 Enterprise 2017 LTSB Version 1703) to be release ~04/12/2017.
I know it as I know that this is the last ESDs delivery and in future only UUP files or ISOs will be available. I have upgaded 3 of my stable systems from the ISO created from the UUP files delivered at March 21 with the same result as those who use ISOs/ESDs became avalable two days ago
En-GB only. x64/x86 SVF patches. All except Education/EducationN. Code: en-gb_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10194881.iso To: en-gb_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10204146.iso en-gb_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10194889.iso en-gb_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10194916.iso Code: en-gb_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191736.iso To: en-gb_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191819.iso en-gb_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191843.iso en-gb_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191933.iso Post in SVF Thread. Thanks again @LostED for the EnterpriseN ISO's.
abbodi Post. Enterprise VL is available (Enterprise is only VL). Rename as per MSDN and hash check. I never bother with any of the Education stuff, but is there a dedicated VL!? Hope you bought your tent and sleeping bag cos' you're in for a long wait.
It's available as (IP) ISO = official ISO, just rename to MSDN filename and done. All can be found at the OP
Yes plenty, and if you read the OP you'd known that it's here. Also had you read back just a few pages you'd know that all you need do is hash check and rename as per MSDN. As above...