Re-downloaded the WZOR AIO UUPs again from your mirror and its working again so thanks for having those as WZORs UUP cloud is now offline. Ive looked for instruction on how to add language packs but theres nothing in the readme and swapping or adding the en_gb cab doesnt change the language in the build options menu.
Add the LP + LIP.cabs and edition+country specific small esd('s) to the Main files and use the UUP>ISO tool.
I upgraded with ESDs two weeks ago. Everything has been working fine until today I saw on WU... "Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool for Windows Insider Preview and Server Technical Preview x64" why does it say Insider Preview? I'm not even in Insider program... something is wrong?
I see they were with LostEDs post and it now makes sense. Just missing en-gb small ESDs which arent anywhere. I've used Fiddler to get full ESDs but theres nothing at the OP about how to grab these.
Thanks LostED, i thought i had them linked at the OP, fixed I am forgetting another mirror by you, can't remember which, any idea?
KMS works fine . Addendum: Only the LocalHost re-direct hooks seem to be problematic, WinDivert and TAP seem to need updates but DLL Injection works.