Anyone else notice in Enterprise N there is no Gaming icon in Settings, I wonder if this version has Game Mode and where it is located now ?
That chart isn't entirely accurate, especially the gaming section. ENT and EDU has at least DX12, and xbox app etc. Maybe Xbox controller doesn't work i don't know don't have one to try
Probably because you're on N version is only reason i could think why. I didn't think N excluded the Gaming stuff, that seems odd but i wouldn't be surprised. On my Enterprise VM regular version it has everything
in my opinion 1080p 24 hz is the best setting to use for madvr / npc hc, as it matches the the native settings for most full HD displays. Assuming you are connected to a TV not a PC monitor anyway.
According to the comparison chart , the only difference between Enterprise and Education is Cortana. But Cortana came back to Education with the version 1703. So what is the difference between them now ?
I know that. But it gives you idea what the difference is between Enterprise & Education. Also I wonder when Microsoft is going to update that.
Iam having some weird issues : 1- Search does not search for programs or items on desktop. 2- .Net framework applications are crashing due to: Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll copying d3d9.dll and placing it in the application folder solves the issue. Anyone having such issues ? Windows 10 edu CU x64
Why do people install "crippled by law" N editions, if you don't have a legit license for it, the same for people who install home and use a kms solution
I live in Europe and I don't want to install the "crippled" editions myself hehe I think it is an placebo effect for some people to have specific editions they want even more or less in many cases