Products.xml updated to 15063.483 ClientCombined(SL)(N):
Where to download updated Combined ESDs for all Langs ?? Why is the name of the ISO different from ESD? For example ESD "15063.0.170710-1358.rs2_release_svc_refresh_" but the created ISO "15063.0.170317-1834.RS2_RELEASE_"
Accessing with key. But I will not be able to use it again and again forever in the next future. So I try to get as much isos as I can now.
Hi there, there is a way to download enterprise july with fr lang plz ? I just discover the esd files with the first topic and some pages in forum its just gorgeous but i dont know how to grab new link and other as you. Thanks a lot
Ho gad, truly sorry lol.... I didnt see it..... really. The best way for patching is your post here ? Thanks