Please, I need : fr_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10204211.iso SHA1 :9B0C595397480A4830CD6669C5817B99B967C5A8 fr_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191846.iso SHA1 :ACEF86D3159646F6059B99376C9A580B1640F7F3
please ar_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x64_dvd_10194885.iso ar_windows_10_enterprise_version_1703_updated_march_2017_x86_dvd_10191837.iso
Code: ed2k://|file|SW_DVD9_Win_Pro_10_1703.1_64BIT_Spanish_MLF_X21-48044.ISO|4811747328|00E28C9FBCD67701CA1551FB35B937CE|/
I've been using Windows 7 up till now, but now want to try Window 10. Is there any direct download link from Microsoft for Enterprise edition? Also, is there any reliable cracking method.... Thanks
You are not allowed to ask questions about "cracking". You can ask questions about Activation though.
Please, is the version : Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 1703 (Updated July 2017) (English-United Kingdom) available ?
Humble! You think so, not me Out of curiosity, how much time did it take to upgrade to this last build? P.S.: Not on VM and not on SSD. Sorry, wrong thread