En-GB x64 Ent ESD Code: 15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-gb_0A25DE2C591F963FBF2B57613AF95005EA08599C.esd Code: See Dawgy's post below for official link. Code: ============================================================ Running Decryption program... ============================================================ Done ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout... ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim... ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 709 MiB of 709 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 89 MiB of 89 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating install.wim... ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 4 threads Archiving file data: 7447 MiB of 7447 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating ISO... ============================================================ CDIMAGE 2.53m CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved. For Microsoft internal use only. Scanning source tree (1500 files in 54 directories) Scanning source tree complete (1712 files in 99 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 4204658688 bytes (before optimization) Writing 1712 files in 99 directories to 15063.0.170317-1834.RS2_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-GB.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 18 files, 133120 bytes (0% of image) After optimization, image file is 4208261120 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 133120 Done. Press any key to exit. Credit for this ESD is to antonio. Thank you antonio.
Boot your USB and type the shift key + the F10 key when the windows installation screen is displayed. You get an elevated command prompt and you have access to dism.
The Legacy is a normal installation. It makes the activation of the Windows exhibiting AAOEM end key numbers. It is possible that the BIOS what is locked, it does not leave the installations UEFI?
It is possible to do a fresh install with the ESD provided here? (15063.0.170317-1834.rs2_release_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_en-us_fbd5592cfdabdbd9c2b21a29ba3501f5bbfcf2f7.esd)
Yes, run the esd decrypter tool linked in the OP, and use it to generate an ISO. Burn it to a DVD or copy the content of it to an USB key, and boot from it.
Control Pannel Missing From Right Click On 15063 Hello peoples, I have a question for the xperts, after upgrading to the 15063 build of Windows 10 I no longer have the Control Panel option on the Right Click menu. Is there a way to add this back on this edition or am I stuck with an icon for the Control Panel now. Thanks again. P.S. Sorry for posting this originally in the wrong thread.
Isn't that enterpriseG? @Thessalonik, in every insider thread you've been begging and begging for el-GR editions, at the OP all retail esd files are posted, what in gods name do you want now?