You should post a huge thanks @LostED for his guidance, patience, perseverance and not least, his uploading of the required files.
Yes, you're right! THANK YOU! Just to be sure, during the final part of the install they ask me if I'm right about the region and keyboard. Is it normal?
The same error has happened to me on one of the computers with 14393.969 last week. Nothing worked in my case, except when I logged in as Administrator, deleted the troublesome user and re-created it again, and it worked.. In my case I had to do a lot of file movement as it was an old installation.
LostEd is correct the product.xml it uses still shows: Code: 20170119 RS1 Refresh Wu Win10 14393.0.161119-1705.rs1_refresh
Microsoft is facing a class action lawsuit for $5 million in Illinois over allegedly buggy Windows 10 updates that deleted people’s files and damaged their devices.
Yeah am off Windows 10 for a while due to drivers being forced on me .. And waiting for a real solution to be sorted out on my laptop from MS.. Any update come thought Windows 10 update today yet.?
And to make it worse. Best buy stupid tech people says they can't fix the PC and tells people to buy new ones. I could of got the ladys PC up and running with no problem The customer doesn't know that best buy would rather have customer buy new PC then reinstall or recover files..
I just try login with local account, run the WU trobleshouter, restart, trying start program insider - log with MS account - success. Reastart and than login back with MS account. Insider program is avaible now