I've already explained many times that MSFT calls the iso's that name on their techbench websites, check 14393 on the techbench unlocked/dump and learn for once.
BTW, In installation written : Last updated December 2016 and not March 2017. In RS1 written : July 2016
Yes plz, just pinch Enthousiast's thread title Like this... Spoiler Windows 10 (1703 RS2) "Creators Update" Final 15063 (PC) But you know from experience antonio, ppl will still ask cos' a lot just don't bother reading at least back a few pages!
I experienced volsnap.sys BSOD (+ ntoskrnl.exe) and I am not alone with that based on Google, but other than that this build feels great, specially sharing internet works well now.
@Nucleus On 11th April, I'll be asking those who said that this is not final/RTM for share with us what do they think at that time.
In a few hours we maybe will know what is coming, either zdp, rs3 pre_release, mobile or new rs2, what we will know for sure is holland will have lost to italy playing soccer
2 weeks is a long time left ..I still think one more build will come out ... who knows they could be confusing people plus the media to bring a buzz about the new release of Windows 10 Creators update ..
Updated via update tools, after that still showing up 1607 - 14393.0 - Windows user Something went wrong i think, still have the old windows defender and paint. Basically still in the old version.
PC vendors need at least 2-3 weeks to have their devices pre-installed with 1703. There simply is not enough time for Microsoft to push out a new build at this time point.
Am thinking this doesn't matter to be fair and can be done by the end user after all via windows 10 update after all windows 10 has no real changes.? just a few new features added to be frank ..
Same here, ran the test version of the update tool after the ISO's started to 404. Instead of upgrading to 15063, it downgraded me to 14393 without any updates. I just tried running it again, and now it can't download the ESD. Checked in Fiddler, it's trying to go to go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=844074 which redirects to gwx.windows.com/preview/cxe/vanilla/products_rs2.xml which the installer doesn't seem able to handle. Maybe they're working on finalizing the backend for the upgrade process?