Hi, I can't download Windows10_InsiderPreviewEnterprise_x64_en-us_16299.iso it says File is not available for download. It was working before. Where can I download Win10 Enterprise Fall Creators Update (Red Stone 3) ISO? Thanks.
Anyone noticed issues with Start Menu with 1709 build? I did a clean install of Win 10 1709 build using ISO/USB stick. If I disable Cortana and all the privacy stuff during original setup then Start menu doens't work properly. What I mean by start menu not working properly is that: 1) If I pin an app to Start menu, that app disappears from Start menu after reboot. 2) When I go to Settings>>Personalization>>Start>>Chose which folders appear on start, all the toggles get disabled even though I enable them.
You mean after your modifications it doesn't work properly anymore? What happens when you do an original non modified install?
When u say "modifications" do u mean the modifying the defaults settings in the guided setup (Cortana) on the first boot after fresh install? If i don't revoke Cortana access to my personal info and leave Privacy options default towards the end of the setup, everything works. However, if revoke access to my personal info and disable all Privacy settings, then the start menu doens't work properly
The only issue i have with the start menu in 1709 is that it can't find certain things when i search for them, usually installed software. I pin my most used stuff to the taskbar so it's not a big deal, but it can be annoying. Works fine however in 1607, 1703 and latest insider preview build.
Lol this has been an issue for me since previous builds also... Really annoyed how MS hasn't fixed this issue for a long time
where can I get this file, Anyone to lend me a link please? en-gb_windows_10_multi-edition_version_1709_updated_dec_2017_x64_dvd Thank you
Found a fix to the Start menu search issue. Go to Settings>>Privacy>>Background apps. Make sure "Lets apps run in background" is turn ON. You can turn OFF all of the individual settings if you want. Then reboot.
I actually googled and found this fix myself this morning, good that you mention it though. Such a weird bug. Really needs to be fixed.
In my other PC sometimes I sign in to my local account and the taskbar icons on the left don't appear even if I wait for hours (I have to restart explorer.exe) and when I go to incognito mode in Firefox there's a black window. I didn't use MSMG ToolKit or NTLite. In this PC I also have another strange problem that I had in this PC which is that if I write "services" in the start menu and click on it nothing happens but if I write "services.msc" and click on enter it opens it. In my PC my apps (or some of them) suddenly open no more at a random time, Hyper-V Manager also suddenly can't connect to local server and pictures opened by the Photos app automatically close after a second. Is it because I removed with NTLite the Microsoft.AccountsControl, Microsoft.Advertising.Xaml, Microsoft.BingWeather, Microsoft.BioEnrollment, Microsoft.CredDialogHost, Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller, Microsoft.ECApp, Microsoft.GetHelp, Microsoft.Getstarted, Microsoft.LockApp, Microsoft.Messaging, Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer, Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub, Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection, Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes, Microsoft.MSPaint, Microsoft.Office.OneNote, Microsoft.OneConnect, Microsoft.People, Microsoft.PPIProjection, Microsoft.Print3D, Microsoft.Services.Store.Engagement, Microsoft.SkypeApp, Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp, Microsoft.Wallet, Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp, Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp, Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal, Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow, Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls, Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost, Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog, Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI, Microsoft.Windows.SecondaryTileExperience, Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser, Microsoft.WindowsAlarms, Microsoft.WindowsCamera, 'Windows Mail', Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub, Microsoft.WindowsMaps, Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder, Microsoft.Xbox.TCU, Microsoft.XboxApp, Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI, Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay, Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider, Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay, Microsoft.ZuneMusic and Microsoft.ZuneVideo apps and with MSMG ToolKit the Microsoft Quick Assist app, Internet Explorer, OneDrive, Skype Telemetry and Windows Mixed Reality? Which apps I should've kept? I only wanted to have the Calculator, Photos and Store apps!
Recommend NOT to remove things without having any clue!!! There are several system related WinSxs packs you removed. ... and you expect a working system.
I knew you'd say that. Actually, it's thanks to an app removal. I just don't know which one but it's not a system app removal. I have other problems if I use MSMG ToolKit to remove apps like two of them being in english and not in my native language, one of the two them having the old name and not the current one (even counting on the fact that they aren't on my native language) and the same two can't be opened. I also can't remove all apps with MSMG ToolKit, like the system apps or at least some of them. And what about the problems of the other PC?