I downloaded the Windows 10 16299.64 version from OP. What do I have to do to update the .ISO to W10 16299.192 for a clean installation? I opened NTlite and added the .cab of 16299.192 into "Integrate > Updates". I also noticed that each update (eg.64 > .125 > .192) is bigger that the previous. Does that mean that .192 contains all the previous fixes?
Yeah, so I can have a vanilla base(aka 16299.15) and use NTlite along with the latest cumulative update(in our case .192) to update the .iso. This is my main reason, updates such as Flash Player etc can be downloaded fast. NTlite is really a great tool. Wish the free version could let me remove OneDrive and Mixed Reality Portal, but it's ok. I highly recommend NTlite.
I remove Skype, Microsoft Quick Assist app, Internet Explorer, OneDrive and Windows Mixed Reality with MSMG ToolKit since I don't have a paid license for NTLite and afterwards I use NTLite to remove the remaining unwanted apps and other things. Maybe it is possible to remove the apps I remove with MSMG ToolKit in NTLite through a PowerShell script. Anyway, I'm having a problem after using NTLite which consists of the Photos app closing itself in a second after opening a picture and I can't solve it.
New update for flash: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-257#post-1402817 CU not available (yet).
#1. Only MS knows the answer . #2. CU is explained in the INFO: part and SSU = Servicing Stack Update.
Are you guys talking about me? Instead of asking me? lol. Yes the reg key set by my antivirus correctly. I already wrote this onto my first post. Even though it's there, I can't get the update via WU. Maybe it's related to Enterprise Volume, I don't know. Thanks for the answers s1ave77.