Is safe to assume that successfully converted official ESD to ISO and obtaining the official ISO when MS will release will be the same thing for a clean install? Thanks
The sha-1 of the esd's are the exact same.
Spoiler: Small example esd -> iso cmd script (with wimlib and oscdimg) Code: pushd "%~dp0" set "esd=16299.15.170928-1534.rs3_release_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_cs-cz.esd" set "iso=16299.15.170928-1534.rs3_release_clientconsumer_ret_x64fre_cs-cz.iso" md iso wimlib apply %esd% 1 iso\ wimlib export %esd% 2 iso\sources\boot.wim --compress=maximum wimlib export %esd% 3 iso\sources\boot.wim --boot wimlib export %esd% 4 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 5 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 6 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 7 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 8 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 9 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 10 iso\sources\install.esd wimlib export %esd% 11 iso\sources\install.esd oscdimg -h -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,biso\boot\,e,biso\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin -lWin10 iso %iso% rd iso /S /Q pause (The number of indexes may vary according to the language version)
I have found a fix for esd-decrypter-wimlib-30. Replace Code: IF %MULTI% GEQ 6 ( if /i %editionid%==Professional set DVDLABEL=CCSA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINED_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if /i %editionid%==ProfessionalN set DVDLABEL=CCSNA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDN_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if %editionids%==1 set DVDLABEL=CCSA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDSL_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if %editionidc%==1 set DVDLABEL=CCCHA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDCHINA_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if defined branch exit /b ) with Code: IF %MULTI% GEQ 6 ( if /i %editionid%==Cloud set DVDLABEL=CCSA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINED_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if /i %editionid%==Professional set DVDLABEL=CCSA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINED_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if /i %editionid%==ProfessionalN set DVDLABEL=CCSNA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDN_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if %editionids%==1 set DVDLABEL=CCSA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDSL_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if %editionidc%==1 set DVDLABEL=CCCHA_%archl%FRE_%langid%_DV5&set DVDISO=%_label%COMBINEDCHINA_OEMRET_%archl%FRE_%langid%.ISO if defined branch exit /b ) This starts on line 364 in decrypt.cmd. Log after fixing: Spoiler Code: ============================================================ Checking ESD Info... ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating Setup Media Layout... ============================================================ ============================================================ Creating boot.wim... ============================================================ Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 738 MiB of 738 MiB (100%) done Using LZX compression with 8 threads Archiving file data: 93 MiB of 93 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating install.esd... ============================================================ Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 7576 MiB of 7576 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 210 MiB of 210 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 227 MiB of 227 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 194 MiB of 194 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 203 MiB of 203 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 188 MiB of 188 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 201 MiB of 201 MiB (100%) done Using LZMS compression with 1 thread Archiving file data: 186 MiB of 186 MiB (100%) done ============================================================ Creating ISO... ============================================================ CDIMAGE 2.53m CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Premastering Utility Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1993-2007. All rights reserved. For Microsoft internal use only. Scanning source tree (500 files in 37 directories) Scanning source tree complete (974 files in 90 directories) Computing directory information complete Image file is 3618996224 bytes (before optimization) Writing 974 files in 90 directories to 16299.15.170928-1534.RS3_RELEASE_CLIENTCOMBINED_OEMRET_X64FRE_PL-PL.ISO 100% complete Storage optimization saved 4 files, 24576 bytes (0% of image) After optimization, image file is 3621150720 bytes Space saved because of embedding, sparseness or optimization = 24576 Done. Press any key to exit.
Amazing how ppl just post without reading anything, even glancing back a few pages - same was asked on just the previous page! Post.
Using ESD to ISO EN-US x64 esd-decrypter-wimlib-30 install.wim 4,535,382 kb install.esd 3,622,072 kb Will fit on DVD
Because Cloud is first edition index in 16299.15 ESD's. In earlier ESD's Professional was first edition index.