CLIENTCOMBINED_UUP can contains 2 editions or more it's just a general label for custom tolerated UUP, not something static like CLIENTCONSUMER
Just to note is that my internet connection is set to Metered and Windows Update is set not to automatically check for updates. Also I'm using a local user account. Please try the registry setting here below together with the other registry settings: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;165. ;Disable Automatic Updates for Apps in Windows 10 Store ;2 = Disable ;4 = Enable Auto Update [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore] "AutoDownload"=dword:00000002
That is concerning to hear, I use to recommend the same tweaks, but I have internet "disabled", so they do not install for me anyway. Try to include this: Code: reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ContentDeliveryManager\Subscriptions" /f
16299.15.170928-1534.RS3_RELEASE_CLIENTCONSUMER_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO is windows 10 home single language. Installed it just now.
No it's not, it contains: Cloud, cloudN, home,homeN, pro, proN, education, educationN and where homesinglelanguage is available, it contains also that one. If your system has a MSDM for HomeSingleLanguage it will be auto-selected and be installed.
You can't, they'll allways comeback... I managed to get rid of them by installing Education edition and not login with my MS account...
Fascinating. I just upgraded a 15063 machine with this build. After the upgrade, I happened to open Edge and one of the intro screens opened up. I was intrigued to see it was telling me 'What's new in Build 16299.15'. Above that, a little balloon said something like 'Hello Insider'. The machine I upgraded is definitely not part of the Insider program. Surely there should be no mention of the Insider Program if this is 'RTM' or whatever we're calling it today?
hi guys i might have found a bug in the fall creators update: open chrome and watch a video or an online streaming then open the settings menu and the connections drops (the wifi incon still displays the connection is there but the streaming stops and no connections in chrome). can you please confirm if you've got the same issue? thanks