You can read english? I said: if the system has a MSDM for a certain edition windows 10 setup will select the edition that belongs to the MSDM key, in your case Home SingleLanguage.
Do you write your problem on feedback hub? 17 October we will get cumulative update... so Microsoft still have some time to work on fixes some issues with zero day patch.
dear this is the problem i am talking about actually, i have retail pro digital license also available with me, so wanted to install pro version. So is that thing available in clientcombined esd's
The simplest way I like to explain an ESD file is it is the Microsoft equivalency of a Rar file. You download the 1 GB ESD file and convert/extract it into a 3.5 GB ISO file. @Rearis you seem to have a hard time accepting this and what @MrMagic has said is right, these come directly from Microsoft. You can download them directly from their servers and this is what Microsoft uses when it upgrades you from build X to build Y.
You upgraded 16299 to 16299? or from earlier build to 16299? you can just change key to Enterprise Enterprise already have all Pro Workstation "special" features
Errr ... WINDOWS! Wait for ZDP or first CU to solve such 'issues'. EDIT: As if this would be the fist Rodeo for some here. With every OFFICIAL release there came a big ZDP or CU to fix tons of little flaws shipped with the 'RTM':
Exact same situation aswell, on my end when that has happened the hd activity stops blinking. Other than that all good so far. Using the Enterprise edition. Specs: FX 8320E 990FXAUD3 Rev.3 7950HD 32GB DDR3 1866
Guys please help i created iso using ESD but at installion it asks më product key what is windows 10 home 16299.15 home TR product key any installion key?
Thanks, did a batch file for this. This will reset startmenu cache so it will display your installed software when you do a search. Run eachtime you install new software. Run the batch as administrator. Spoiler Code: @echo off title Reset Search Cache :: Username Below: set user7=%username% :Checking cls echo+ echo Your username is: %user7% echo+ echo If this is not correct then close this window. echo+ echo If the username is ok then to proceed press ENTER. pause >nul :Permissions cls rem C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages cd /d "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages" takeown /r /f "Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy" TASKKILL /IM SearchUI.exe icacls "Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy" /grant %user7%:(F) /t /c rem icacls "Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy" /reset /t :Main TASKKILL /IM SearchUI.exe rd /Q /S Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy echo+ echo Waiting 5 seconds... echo+ timeout 5 >nul taskkill /f /im explorer.exe timeout 2 >nul start explorer.exe echo+ echo Done. echo+ pause exit