You are only "not sure of what you are downloading" because you haven't put any effort into reading anything, otherwise you'd know what 99% of the rest of this forum know, that this is the same build being released today at some point You lost all credit with your first post about this
I have put effort into reading as I wanted someone to answer me a simple question. I already tried 16299.15. But no one (not even you, who likes to read) read this or answered it: (see post 1079) I installed 16299.15 and I can't use VEGAS Pro. Every time I import anything into a new project it crashes. Anyone with the same problem? Any solution? Guess what, rolled back to current released version, VEGAS working fine now. So.................................................. (I'm tasting it before dropping it)....................... read a bit.
Can only vouch for the one on this site (from abbodi). But open the script in notepad if you're concerned..w
Well if you made your so called research you would have noticed that MS themselves confirmed that this is indeed the RTM build here: About the VEGAS thing probably SONY haven't patched their software to work with this build yet so it doesn't mean that this build is not RTM. Also if you made your research you would have noticed that the 16299.19 build was only released to insiders: So nobody knows if MS is going to change anything the last moment or push it as a day one update. If you wanna update to this build is up to you mate. Stop arguing with people that are trying to help with your BS. kthx
I still have them. I just tested it whit latest LSTB. In first Insider Previews there where no problems, but after a few build they started. I don't remember specific build.
16299.15 is the baseline build that was sent to OEM's and numerous people have told you already was classified by MS as RTM. It is the build they have based ADKs, RSAT and the Baseline GPO's off. 16299.19 is an Insider Preview Test Cumulative Update that will most likely be a Day 1 Patch. It is possible that they could integrate the Day 1 Patch into a new ISO or as per usual it could be a few months before they do so, for 1703 they did the initial ISO then they did one in June then July due to a big bug in Junes build. In 1511 they releases a February and April one and for 1607 they never created any new ISO other than the initial release. In 1703 when it was RTM before the day one patch I had issues with one of the games I played which was not fixed by the Day 1 patch, it was fixed by a combination of driver and cumulative updates. So ultimately if you are trying to trick people into admitting that the build released or talked about in this thread is different than what will be there on Day 1, well it is a pointless exercise, the build you will use 2 months after release will be and it will be 16299.15 plus 2017-12 1709 CU, it is a different build but it is still this build plus a CU and maybe in 3 months time MS might even release a new ISO, but it will still be 16299.15 plus a CU and possibly a Servicing Stack Update. People have been telling you to read up more because they are fed up of telling people the same thing over and over again and they are veterans because they have seen this process happen over and over again and watched it with a microscope each and every time, they are giving you the benefit of there experience and you are just coming off as a winy schoolboy.
VEGAS Pro is a video editing software package for non-linear editing (NLE) originally published by Sonic Foundry, then by Sony Creative Software, and now by Magix Software GmbH. I haven't used Vegas for ages. Are we going to argue on who is developing Vegas now?