installing update after windows 10 1709 x64 installation. Why these update show amd64 in update line regardless I am having intel pc
The OEM ISO ( X21-50458 SW DVD9 NTRL Win 10 1709 64Bit English Home Pro SL S N.img) is the same as en_windows_10_multi-edition_version_1709_updated_sept_2017_x64_dvd_100090817.iso: Code: --------------------------- Checksum information --------------------------- Name: X21-50458 SW DVD9 NTRL Win 10 1709 64Bit English Home Pro SL S N.img Size: 4697362432 bytes (4479 MB) SHA1: 1AD928CFEF439F6AA4044DDC3A96B0B6830BDD0F --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Please provide me download link for Windows 10 Enterprise EN-US X64 FOR IDM NO TORRENT /MAGNET. Thanks.
I have been on 16299.19 for a few days now and have a couple of comments.. It works fine.. fast and stable. But so was the previous build. For my usage MS could have saved themselves millions and just issued CU's until they were ready with something really new. And why on my laptop doesn't the touch keyboard work with the mouse like it did before.? Anybody else got the same problem.? PortUp also doesn't work on the new build.. it crashes. I was also hoping MS would fix the problem with that stupid Quick Access blue star that randomly appears on the desktop for no apparent reason. But no.. it's still there and you can't get rid of it without a restart. Just my 5 cents worth...
Since RTM is 16299.15 and m$ latest patch change the build to 16299.19 is there a new iso that has the latest patch integrated so a clean install will deliver 16299.19 ? Original ISO , no custom made ofc.
Is "Win10_1709_EnglishInternational_x64.iso" contain W10 Home Single Language? and can I know the MSDN details for "Win10_1709_EnglishInternational_x64.iso"?
I didn't read ALL of the 97 pages... sorry... so please forgive me if I re-ask (probably) this question. I downloaded the two ESDs files, for x86 and x64, by the links in the ESDs post. Then I used your great tool to convert ESD to ISO, with many editions inside. Now: is the ISO created the same as the official Microsoft RTM and FINAL one?? Because I never had so many editions inside.
SHA1-wise, no, the ISOs are obviously different, but other than that, yes, they are the same thing. Just apply the CU to get the "Final" from the "RTM".
1. 2.
I can not install it clean this build. It gives me an error it can not format the disk...! How can I solve this? Thanks!
oh, ok, thank you. because I installed the ISO created from ESD, yesterday, on a brand new notebook and I wanted to know if it was the Final RTM version instead of a "Insider" or "Preview" or "Beta" or "Alpha" or any other version... so are there no reasons to re-download ISO when Microsoft will release the "Official" one?