@Enthousiast Thank you for your dedication. The OP says MCT was "Tool Available Since Sat. 13 May 2019." It should be April.
Looks like they plugged the security hole that is setting the windows defender override key via cmd script. Anyone aware of this fix and already have a solution? Or should I go make a tokens bump addition to my script?
I completely disabled all Windows Defender & related security settings including the tamper protection via NTLite as I use ESET Smart Security Pro for the last 8yrs, not a single virus/malware related issue since then till date.
Not sure. I can set all of the normal group policy override keys except the windows defender one. It's possible that they simply added another that needs to be disabled before you can add the defender key.
But you were familiar with that new TamperProtection thingy? reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features" /v TamperProtection /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ow-rp-19h1_release.79259/page-49#post-1514992
all antiviruses, especially paid ones, are useless software for which a regular user also pays money.
Won't let me tinker with that one either. Going to try a tokens bump and see if that fixes the problem.
Okay I did a bit of tinkering and I think I found a bit of a solution, but since I've messed with so many things you might take this with a grain of salt. First off, Tamper Protection seems to be ran by the windefend service itself. You can disable the service starting by using Autoruns as admin and unchecking it. Secondly the old method of disabling Windows Defender seems to still work provided you can actually set the key. It doesn't seem to be an instantaneous thing. So from what I can tell you need to have the service stopped plus the policies key set for it to register that you don't want it to run. I haven't turned the service back on as I don't want it to run.
This driver package is the best crapware ever released, "igfx driver stopped responding" just every 3minutes on normal web browsing. Old LEGACY version work perfectly. Untill now DCH is just issues.
that's maybe your personal experience & opinion but mine is different & while you're making a generic statement like this, that's not necessarily & might not be the same case for individual out there, everyone has their own experience, story & opinion, I've shared mine & so you did, difference is I DONT make any generic statement unlike you & understand & respect others.
I agree on that AntiVirus software is useless but that is my opinion has nothing to do with disrespecting others tbh
I just set the following key to disable Defender and didn't have to disable the tamper protection: Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender] "DisableAntiSpyware"=dword:00000001