So this newly released SSU KB4498524 v18362.80.1 is newer than the SSU that's been integrated within official v1903 MVS ISO, right?
The SSU in the iso was: Code: Package Identity : Package_for_KB4497727~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.30.1.0
Whatever it's called, they always are the same: They are called: publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35".
I try its to two pc first(enterprise) is ok second (pro) give this error: Secon pc is new formatted to 18362.30 iso
I meant one of the two new ones, you were integrating. Do you see kb4498524 or KB4497093 at installed updates?
Then you can try it again, but just use dism manually or W10UI. Put the 2 updates next to the cmd and run W10UI. It's set to online integrate by default.