Us(Gamers) can't install the new build unless this is fixed(Anti-cheat GSOD). Still no news regarding the issue.
I never had a GSOD with this build only BatlleEye was giving me a memory error but I fixed that And as MS stated it could lead to a BSOD on some systems with anti cheat protection
Rocket league Fortnite trackmania and some other games PUBG I haven't tried and Ark also not have them on steam but not installed atm same for Battlefield V
Please, Tell Me > How Do You Uninstall Or Disable All Metro Apps? Using PowerShell Or cmd > All Color Boxes On The Desktop
Ehm... I don't really see how an old software failing to run after a recent OS update (which is theoretically backwards compatible) is to blame unless it was built (either deliberately or by accident) to abuse some old OS bug (which is now void).