Added to the OP of the 1809 and 1903 threads, Tutorial section: How to determine the build of a downloaded ISO
anybody having issues updating to .86 ? im having 0x80070003 error. already trying dograde from .53 to .30 and do the update again still fails. sfc and dism restorehealth also doesnt help. servicing stack update installed successfully though.
Pardon me for butting in, but this is not about @Enthousiast or someone's vanity or lack thereof - this is about what one should do when posting a link to a resource that someone else created. It is considered good manners to mention who did the original work. (that is what 'giving credit' means. Not doing so is not cool. In literary circles this kind of omission is considered plagiarism, like you downloaded something off the net and submitted it as your own assignment. If you don't remember who to mention, just say something like 'not my work - credit to whoever did this', or something like that. This shows good manners and establishes that you are not the creator of whatever you have linked to. E.G. if you quote a passage from an article, add a link to the original article above or below your quote.
And this guy @ipx is talking about "arrogance" (instead of recognizing his mistake with humility) what a nerve!
Sadly it's come to this, when someone asks to give credits to the original content creators, it has to be defended. Most thank me for keeping the OP's of my threads uptodate, most threads without a maintained OP are one big clutter of separate posts and all info gets lost. If you prefer that, be my guest. And all contributors are at least mentioned and linked to their original post. That's up to them, but a practical example is that some post ddl's to old tools, which already have several updates. Or the next question is, what is the pw? When linked to the original post, all info will be there. 30+TB of MSDN/MVS ISO's, made available and paid for by @GezoeSloog, that is worth giving credits by at least mentioning him when linking directly to the repo's. If that's to much to ask.... About my "arrogance", did you ever see me hackling someone sharing, i once said something about using multi-up for hosting full iso's, with motivation. In contrast with your snappy remark about someone heavily promoting the use svf patches.
did we ever figure out if its a service not starting quick enough that loads later thats causing/fixing it once it loads or?
Can someone try this.... Enable via gpedit the Windows Defender AV Policy ("Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus") It is in Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Defender AntiVirus.... The thing is... it stays on... The AV will scan .exe files... Just by navigating it scan the files.
It's not fixed in 1903, iirc it's fixed in 20H1 and that fix will probably become available for 1903 too.
Ty Enthousiast gives me hope most fixes do trickle down at some point now to decide if I dare do an upgrade of 1809 or just clean install