I have this problem trying to update from 18362.53 to 18362.86 on one of my laptops, no idea why. No USB drives. Several others did as well in this thread many pages back.
In my own experience, it's not happening often with custom builds PCs. Anyway they now have the idea. They can try removing the second HDD before upgrading if they're curious. Let's see.
Thread is not opened for any replies. I downloaded SVF.ISO.Converter from @s1ave77 Gitlab page. Is it the same tool which was posted here? May I use it now or any update (improved version) is pending for this tool?
Not the original question asker, but I have two distinctly different machines doing this; a ThinkPad P70 laptop (work PC), and a gaming desktop PC at home. The gaming rig is pretty vanilla (nVidia graphics, i7 processor) except I do have a WMR headset on it.
Amazing. So you wanted to say cannot upgrade both to 1903? Let's wait a couple of days maybe M$ fix the issue with a CU/SSU.
Release to public: Late May. Release put on hold and iso download withdrawn: Late May too, 2 days later Release again, after Microsoft figures why half the people who installed 1903 got their disk erased while all their passwords were sent as cleartext to a scientific base in Antarctica: Jun.
I searched for the Films & TV App today to use & noticed that removed from my Windows 10 OS v1903 automatically & when I searched in store, noticed that been renamed as Xbox Video & I've to install it manually again & found that app named as Film & TV (again) like earlier, in Windows OS, after installation. Is this only me or anyone else noticed this too?
As an addendum, a much nicer way to get the scheme, sub and setting guid's with the query command is to pipe the output to a text file... Code: powercfg /qh > .\Desktop\power_settings.txt Will generate an easily readable file with all of the power settings grouped by Scheme > Sub > Setting GUID. It's a shame that there is no alias for the Display brightness setting as it would be much easier to fiddle with.
Or just quick'n'dirty: Code: for /f "usebackq tokens=1-2 delims=(:" %A in (`powercfg /getactivescheme`) DO @(@echo. && @echo %A %B)&&(@for /F "usebackq delims=" %X in (`powercfg /q %B ^| findstr /c:"(Display)" /c:"(Display brightness)"`) DO @echo %X)
Hahaha you read my freakin mind man! I was gonna write a little script for it today after I got home. And after trying that, it is indeed quick. No we need to boil it down to if display brightness dcvalueindex != 28 then setdcvalueindex 40, etc etc else leave it the hell alone!
I've played some of those IPs that you mentioned including the entire CRYSIS & BATMAN series but never encountered this particular bug in my entire PC & gaming life experience (15yrs+). May I enquire what iGPU or dedicated GPU you're using & experiencing this?