The 19H2 Insider Preview updates are in no way related to the .207 public update, but they contain the same fixes.
Sorry, no idea about NTlite. You can try running Advanced Startup pressing SHIFT when clicking PowerOff->Restart on Start Menu.
@SAM-R You do understand that everyone here in MDL ain't Americans right? So it's quite obvious to not to know or aware of 4th July unlike you, & that's clearly NOT ANY INSULT. I can post any countries Independence Days here RANDOMLY & if you or anyone asked about that, I'd not say the way you've replied thinking that everyone here in MDL is living in one single country. Lastly, I ain't American, but I do know about the day, your post is completely OT, so I didn't think in that way. Patriotism is good & everyone loves his/her own country. But that doesn't mean that you'd expect everyone should know & remember the date of independence of your country.