Is there currently an update strategy to get from 18362.10022 to 18363? Should I be concerned about it?
You might wanna edit the email out. And yes, you will receive the update to .418 on 1909 even if you're on the retail channel. Still on 1903 here, although I'm mildly pissed we didn't get an official ISO so I can perform a clean install for 1909 knowing that they won't just ditch this build branch later like it happened with 1809 or whatever. I'd probably skip the clean install given thew nature of this small update, but I bought a 970 Evo Plus and I'm kinda wanting to use that for my OS.
There will be a "RTM" style ISO for 1909 that collapses all the build numbers into just one branch. Just not now. V2 was not it, and that specific build has thrown up some awful bugs.
There will be an ISO with the updates integrated, you can make your own ISO now... Don't know why people are trying to make 1909 something that it isn't.
@MS_User how did you do for me this update don't want install ( say: windows could not install the update ) install reboot and back to 388 .....
Yeah nothing really concrete, but for the people expecting the enablement package to hit the retail ring this month probably shouldn't have their hopes up.