Updated the Updates Overview with these RP ring SSU/CU updates: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-465#post-1554706
dude, go for the yumi tool and select winboot for windows 7, 8 or 10 and thats all... you can even select others isos to have am multiboot pendrive.. all easy as hell on fire..
Because i can imagine all the other stuff you will encounter when re-installing windows without some basic knowledge. Are you planning to install another build or sku on that system? If your planning to install the same, you can use resetpc, it will reinstall your windows.
If you want to upgrade your system, keeping your files and applications, download the iso, right click on the file and select "mount" and finally execute setup from the virtual mounted drive.
An iso will do a full inplace upgrade, taking a long time, simply downloading a tool + the 20KB update, and opening the tool, browsing to the update and hit install is to difficult. I give up.
I was under the understanding Rufus only does this when the installation contains install.wim files, because they're too big to fit on Fat32. Hence the need to use NTFS - which UEFI can't boot from.
You are mostly correct. Not all install.wim files, just install.wim files larger than 4GB. And it only does so to ensure compatibility with UEFI BIOS's that can't boot from NTFS volumes. If the user that turned this into "How do I use Rufus" thread had bothered to read it's documentation, this thread would be 2 pages shorter!
On my PC, the image created by Rufus works with Secure Boot enabled. I get the warnings, but for some reason when I press F11 choose the boot device, I see the USB stick, select and the setup starts. Was the case for 1903 and 1909 and maybe earlier, I haven't disabled Secure Boot at all in the 2 years I have this PC.