Nope, yesterday they started updating 18362.10024 users, who switched from the slow to the rp ring, to 18363.418. Nothing more atm.
WU/windowsupdatebox provided the .448 update, the downloaded ESD was 18363.418:
It looks like the KB4501374 is integrated. Since I remove Mixed Reality how can I prevent Windows 10 1909 18363.418 from coming with it?
Holo update is not integrated/installed nor offered on WU in non holo installs:
And what does DotNetRollup do? So, just to be sure, for now I only have to integrate CU for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 (and a following CU and SSU when they're pubicly relased)?
I know, but what does it do? If I integrate a more recent CU in this image (Windows 10 1909 18363.418) may I have any problem since it already has a CU integrated and may the image grew even more in size?
It's always best to use a 18362.1 iso, and integrate the updates, available at that moment. 18362.1 + Updates, including the 1909 EP =
Ok, maybe I should only do this when 20H1 is out. Do you know if in the near future Microsoft will keep up making this feature updates (maybe one of the two per year will be one of them), i.e., the update following 20H1 may not be a major update but a feature one (or the update following the update following 20H1)?
I am a total noob so I'm sorry for dumb question. I clicked on the first two links and it downloaded them. How do I apply the update? The command you provided shows "" but the files downloaded have no extension and instead have a name like this: "91f16a29-283a-4d89-8486-ca30877e565c" Help?
RP ring updates are not meant for noobs Rename the files according to the filename shown in the post, and for noob proof install, use W10UI, put the updates next to the cmd and run the cmd as admin. ps, here is the latest set of RP updates (18362/3.449), with normal WU cab links: