Agreed, it's definitely there, but it seems a bit obscured by the previous numeric pattern of prior updates, with the highest service pack update number being 10024. The SHA1 hash is correct though.
10024 = SLOW ring and ends soon. Atm when you're on 10024 you need to switch to the RP ring and you will get 18363.418 offered.
the only point that I can think about is that it'd be a smaller sized ISO & yes I know that MS did that same way while producing the MSDN/MVS ISO, even they don't use the baseline build to do that And I'd like to enquire is it necessary to add the DU into the ISO? What if I only add CU+SSU+Flash+DotNet+19H2 EP and IMU? And About the LXP recently released refreshed ISO, I know about all those packages as I've already dl'ed that. Can you point the latest version of 19h2 EP to dl? Asked this earlier, you didn't answer might have missed, so asking again.
They always did, except it seems for 18363.356, 1903/1909 is not a good example for normal msft processes, as posted here: DU for SafeOS or DU for sources, DU for safeOS is not needed when the latest CU is already integrated, it is not offered on WU on a running system, only at upgrading. DU for sources is actually the same, it's for upgrades. LxP's are not integrated like LP's are, why would you need them anyway?. You can find it at the 1903/1909 updates overview (linked to at the OP (first post of this thread):
Yes, but i doubt there is any difference from the earlier one, the update.mum says it's at level: Code: <mum2:customInformation Version="10.0.18362.387" xmlns:mum2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" PackageFormat="PSFX" /> The older one was 18362.323. My guess is it has to do with the throttled release of the 1909 EP.
wait 'til Thursday Oct. 24 after 10am pacific local time to find out, SM03. and KB4522355 revised again from .448 to .449 (maybe the .449 version could be the one that goes public tomorrow)
I've been seeing this one for a while since I never install with an active connection. The first time I saw it I was a little annoyed. I was not expecting to have control yanked away from me like that.
OK, so now on I'm seeing .449 on both branches. There's one on the 18362 branch and another one on the 18363 branch. I think I've been drinking the wrong brew!!! Fortunately, the hashes are exactly the same, so the 18363.449 appears to be a duplicate of 18362.449. But what's more intriguing is that we have another build! We've got "Windows 10 Version 1909" and "Windows 10 Version Next". 'Not sure what the "Next" version is, but the link leads nowhere. Any ideas?