Problems here too with .720 update. SSU installs fine but CU gives failed code 0x800f0988. Sfc, check/scan health reports no problems. System components cleanup, software distribution and catroot2 purge doesn't help either. Looks like clean install is only solution left.
I installed the .719 and then .720 updates, no problems at installation but after that my 2 pc's got high cpu and disk usage even without running any program and broken the task manager (both of them) unninstalled the 2 updates and back to 18363.657 and paused WU for 7 days. now running fine as before that updates...
If your having freezes after .720 update, uninstall smb direct and try again, also, you need to leave your pc alone for around 30 mins, turn off uac control and back on, and do the same with ransomeware protection. I think theres pushed updates that dont show in windows update after the install. I had lock ups and freezes for 30 mins, i was resetting my pc and trying all kinds of things...when all needed to do was leave it for half an hour and toggle uac and ransomeware.
New 1903/9 RP Ring CU (18362/3.752):
Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. I have developed ADHD over the last couple of months and my mind is not working right now at all. I downloaded the en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_feb_2020_x64_dvd_fa6f853d iso and checked through DISM and it has 10 editions. Is there a link or wikipedia where I can check and compare all these 10 editions before deciding on which one to install ? I searched on google but didnt find any info.
If I set the "Let apps run in background" setting off will the UWP apps still automatically update without having to do it myself via the Microsoft Store app (I hardly ever use it)?
Can't remember any "rtm" release months before ga, can you? It was 2-4 weeks and later on just 5 days and now it's published to devs > oems > ga.