1. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
    According to Microsoft, support for Windows 10 version 1909 ends on May 11th, 2021
  2. Hal2000

    Hal2000 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2014
    Consumer only
  3. MrZeb

    MrZeb MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2009

    Its there a place where we can find the equivalent business ISO names used on the MVLS?

    Example: SW_DVD9_Win_Pro_10_1909.13_64BIT_English_Pro_Ent_EDU_N_MLF_X22-51134.ISO = en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_feb_2021_x64_dvd_bc4e0e44.iso

  4. Zindia

    Zindia MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2016
    This is very understandable, as I am having to reinstall Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC on a new MSI Modern 15, because they just informed me that one of their drivers is not supported on ANY edition of Windows 10 older than May 27, 2020 (that's 20H1 version 2004) or higher!

    So, just imagine all the businesses that use LTSC Edition, never knowing, never being told, before their purchased the MSI Modern 15 A11M-217XIT notebook, that you cannot use any Microsoft Edition of Windows 10 older than May 27, 2020! Now, I am looking for the ISO LTSC 2021, it doesn't exist, there is no newer edition! So, back to supporting beta features (universal apps), in Enterprise if this notebook is to function fully without a device driver not supported on any edition of LTSC! OMG!

    Does anyone have a torrent file for the ISO for Enterprise "Business Licensing" 20H2 March (2021 Updated)? If so please post the SHA1 hash checksum value.
  5. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    No, there is no VLSC iso filename list, not needed either, just download the MVS business ISO of your liking.

    At the OP there are numerous download options, including 18363.1440 MVS ISOs.

    Enterprise is available on the business iso.
  6. Yong Siang

    Yong Siang MDL Novice

    Oct 3, 2017
    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

    I'm having trouble to upgrade from version 1909 to 20h2.

    It seems that appx is causing the issue. How do i remove appx for user profile SID which has already been removed?
  7. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    I have repaired many hacked to pieces windows 10 with mediacreationtool.bat
    Rename the script to auto mediacreationtool.bat and it will start upgrading to 21H1, or auto 2004 mediacreationtool.bat for 20H2
    If that fails as well despite the most fail-safe options used, then your install is chopped beyond repair and you need a full install by booting from 20H2 media
    Good luck!
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  8. jim_p

    jim_p MDL Senior Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    Sorry for the noob question. A few months ago, I came across a laptop (6th gen i3, 1tb hdd, 4gb of ram) that could not be upgraded past 1809. Every update made it stuck to the known waiting screen for hours (8+) every single time.
    Because of the situation (daily lessons done remotely via webex etc), the owner can not leave it for more than a day, so my time to try anything was limited to like 4 hours and only for a Sunday.

    Could the forementioned script do the job for me? I always keep the latest isos (= 20h2 + March updates) on my drive and in a ventoy based usb stick. Will this script do something else than download the relevant iso for me?
  9. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    #8110 AveYo, Apr 7, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2021
    There are many hops of incompatibilities: <1507 <1607 <1703 <1803 <1903 <2004 but that's usually for very old or specialized systems.
    A 6th gen intel system should have no troubles hardware-wise, but it all depends on manufacturer offering minimal BIOS/UEFI and driver support.
    The script is a wrapper for the official MediaCreationTool, it just downloads the needed version from microsoft, configures a products.xml to unhide Enterprise edition support, and then launches it with parameters that are meant to minimize errors on upgrades.
    Renaming the script to auto mediacreation.bat enables a two-phase processing, first downloading and creating upgrade media, then launching setupprep alternative with the troubleshooting parameters. It's all automatic, once started you don't need to do anything until it's back at desktop - that is, if it succeeds, else it rolls back. This is the best chance for success, but it's not guaranteed, and fresh install might be unavoidable.

    You can also try using your existing usb install media to attempt the troubleshooting upgrade,
    it's enough to create a new text file on the root of the usb drive then rename it to auto.bat with content:
    @set OPTIONS=/Selfhost /Pkey Defer /DynamicUpdate Disable /Telemetry Disable /Compat IgnoreWarning /CompactOS Disable /MigrateDrivers All /ResizeRecoveryPartition Disable /ShowOOBE None /Eula Accept /MigChoice Upgrade /Auto Upgrade /Action UpgradeNow
    @if exist "%~dp0sources\setupprep.exe" start "w" "%~dp0sources\setupprep.exe" %OPTIONS% &exit/b
    @if exist "%~dp0x64\sources\setupprep.exe" start "w" "%~dp0x64\sources\setupprep.exe" %OPTIONS% &exit/b
    @if exist "%~dp0x86\sources\setupprep.exe" start "w" "%~dp0x86\sources\setupprep.exe" %OPTIONS% &exit/b
    And launch auto.bat instead of setup.exe
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  10. jim_p

    jim_p MDL Senior Member

    Dec 11, 2013
    I willt try it then, once all this ends and I get the laptop back. I assume a procedure like this one will take more than those 4 hours I can have my hands on that laptop, right?
  11. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    It took less than 1h on an ancient lifebook s7110 with a lame hdd, 2GB ram and a dual-core joke, and that was upgrade from windows 7.
    For windows 10 - windows 10 upgrades and a more recent potato, 15 to 30minutes (on a hdd). But I guess it depends on the crap installed.
    Setup runtime in excess of 2h is a clear sign of troubles.
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  12. stasio

    stasio MDL Expert

    May 3, 2007
    Hi guys,

    I am on 1909.....18363.1474 build.
    Windows update forcing me to update to 19041/2 build.
    How to stop this?

    I prolong update until May 2021.
  13. erpsterm35

    erpsterm35 MDL Guru

    May 27, 2013
    what edition of 1909?
    look for the Windows10Upgrade.exe file in the \Windows\UpdateAssistantV2 folder and delete it (if it exists), and also delete the entire UpdateAssistantV2 folder. and also uninstall "Microsoft update health tools" from the Programs & Features control panel (that one gets installed from recent revisions of KB4023057)

    1909 home/pro have support until May 2021 while 1909 enterprise/education have support up to May 2022
  14. stasio

    stasio MDL Expert

    May 3, 2007
    #8115 stasio, Apr 8, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
    Thx, yea my is Pro version.
    There is no UpdateAssistantV2 folder and "Microsoft update health tools".
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #8120 Enthousiast, Apr 20, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
    Media Content April Updated 1909 (18363.1500) MVS ISOs:

    Name: en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_april_2021_x86_dvd_2d72790b.iso
    Size: 4179976192 bytes (3986 MiB)
    CRC32: F602E3EC
    CRC64: A9D00DEC01848E60
    SHA256: 014EA61E1D066EC3892B71642E31D87D4ED12906009A5E881520884899ECBE7B
    SHA1: 6EB1349A4BCBFF95A681C4F58D719AEE86EC0FDA
    BLAKE2sp: 9086C1CBE2B377441D6F642D2E80DFF12ACFA01D6BF48DD27D5E93DF532AA921
    Name: en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_april_2021_x64_dvd_01bfd6ae.iso
    Size: 5870004224 bytes (5598 MiB)
    CRC32: DBCD6438
    CRC64: 8E468E8DF94F829E
    SHA256: 005AEE243CD391F9DFF31F6FEFDC6DF4C2D96AE9E338D30ECBC6B79417FC7D24
    SHA1: F090914F8E14D15B03464537223E0C09FB1CAB93
    BLAKE2sp: A3D26598509E06640F9575D8BAEEF87D021D33AA3B027466CB9D48F6CBC425F5
    [01] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Education | Education
    [02] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Education N | EducationN
    [03] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Enterprise | Enterprise
    [04] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Enterprise N | EnterpriseN
    [05] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro | Professional
    [06] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro N | ProfessionalN
    [07] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro Education | ProfessionalEducation
    [08] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro Education N | ProfessionalEducationN
    [09] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstation
    [10] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstationN
    Name: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_updated_april_2021_x64_dvd_252bf2a7.iso
    Size: 6005803008 bytes (5727 MiB)
    CRC32: 6C55C05A
    CRC64: 553D0E2025D9D900
    SHA256: BA37B291093E8F42E2CC750EBA7DC585C6EF290C602BB26AEC81FC2C5F7D93B7
    SHA1: B0CB1060A9AF433604F8A2D10A42072A9908133A
    BLAKE2sp: 2883C63400A3ACE8D940F4D22E41532152EC049CBA638E2F8E1B6BE362ABD375
    Name: en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1909_updated_april_2021_x86_dvd_02546d7d.iso
    Size: 4275871744 bytes (4077 MiB)
    CRC32: C84A3430
    CRC64: A3439919361B4C55
    SHA256: AB17C1415A71AAAE6F530A905E412AB44CFC58C31BDB10E5AEFE861CA414B899
    SHA1: 5F2E63A0D42FC511F15AFC81A632CE39520C178C
    BLAKE2sp: AE1F29C860A582275CA1D633D1CF6E704E1D65DAF21BB2862014F42CAA25F43A
    [01] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Home | Core
    [02] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Home N | CoreN
    [03] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Home Single Language | CoreSingleLanguage
    [04] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Education | Education
    [05] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Education N | EducationN
    [06] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro | Professional
    [07] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro N | ProfessionalN
    [08] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro Education | ProfessionalEducation
    [09] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro Education N | ProfessionalEducationN
    [10] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstation
    [11] 10/04/2021 en-US x64 10.0.18362.1500 Windows 10 Pro N for Workstations | ProfessionalWorkstationN
    Package Identity : Package_for_DotNetRollup~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.4330.6
    State : Installed
    Release Type : Update
    Install Time : 09/04/2021 23:03
    Package Identity : Package_for_KB4517245~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    State : Installed
    Release Type : Update
    Install Time : 09/04/2021 23:03
    Package Identity : Package_for_KB4580325~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
    State : Installed
    Release Type : Security Update
    Install Time : 09/04/2021 23:16
    Package Identity : Package_for_KB5001406~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1497.1.1
    State : Installed
    Release Type : Security Update
    Install Time : 09/04/2021 23:03
    Package Identity : Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~18362.1500.1.9
    State : Installed
    Release Type : Security Update
    Install Time : 09/04/2021 23:15