Do we really have to keep explaining, over and over, that the iso's, created from the svf patches who were made from MVS iso's, are 100% the original?
There never were Business ISO's on techbench, techbench is the only means for sharing ddl links to msft servers (+ ESD and UUP).
In my humble opinion, while there is nothing wrong with generating an MVS ISO for your needs, using UUP files to create a base 18362.1 ISO with all of the virtual editions and updating from there is a worthy scenario to explore. If you are referring to the Enterprise links posted on the last few pages, those are EVAL ISO's.
Is there any way to use the 18362.30 image in English and integrate another language into it? the only solution found to use the sandbox with this current version is to do this, however I did not want to install the language inside the operating system but already to install with it integrated .. I repeat, the sandbox only works in the English version .. for The Brazilian version, for example, only gives an error! I've already done the tests here.
FYI Nvidia 430.39 WHQL drivers - the resetting of NVCP desktop color settings when alt-tabbing out of a game on Windows 10 1903 18362.53 still hasn't been fixed.
they also stopped on nvidia drivers 430 3D Vision Beginning with Release 430, the NVIDIA driver no longer supports the following 3D Vision technologies and features...