Can't install this build yet but I saw the Update settings areas has "advanced settings" Can we change it to download but don't install and check for updates but don't download or install like in previous windows again?
am I the only one not able to use cortana outside the US ????? keyboard, formats, input, ... , everything is in english US. The only thing I see is : cortana is not available in your market. please help
Woops I'm stupid. The 10061 already has advanced options and looks the same as the new one. One can dream.
Is that so difficult to make an app to work? People app still not working for me! Hey, M$, what's that, wanna help?
404 - File or directory not found.
that is a really old and known issue and easy to solve with a few commands in a PowerShell window with admin rights, the instructions are on "Insider Hub" app.
I'm really liking this build a lot the systems sounds are love... the resizing of the start menu for just my important apps my taskbar doesn't switch colors to the current wallpaper like in 10061 Spartan feels more optimized as well very speedy