Does not work for me any more why I don't know after every upgrade I have to activate again by inserting the generatic key Btw got a friend who has enterprise 2 and for him it works every time so how strange is that
Downloaded the Enterprise Iso from OSBA and compared the sha1 with the one I have made from esd but hashes are different Hmm anybody got a thought on how that might be size is the same tho
Don't think so but maybe there will be somebody who creates a script ore prog for it in the nearby future
Computer open file explorer and network goto start settings Network and Internet or right click on Network Icon on right bottom
Anyone knows how to fix: The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error duing SYSPREP operation hmmpfs
It's not different from one machine to another, simply the OSBA isos are made from my script which gives correct timestamps. The original ESD-Decrypter script by abbodi1406 modify the sources folder and thus changes the folder timetsamp. So depending on the time when you made that iso, you will have other hashes and different isos. Also, the OSBA isos made with my script, have a correct iso label and correct headers, (CDIMAGE 2.56) whereas the original gives oscdimg headers and wrong labels. I hope this will solve all those confusions.