What I see on mine upgraded from 10041, there is new people application, not added in start menu. It's grey color and work, still have blue added on start that doesn't.
And you think generated boot.wim/install.wim will be the same for all? it won't iso labels are overrated and not something crucial that leads us to such these isos which have wrong names en_windows_10_pro_technical_preview_10074_x64_dvd.iso it's insider preview now, that's why i neglected those specification and simply added only the build number to iso name but hey, that's the beauty of open-source
So far I would say that this is the best build yet. It's more stable and fixed most of the issues from 10061, etc. My only issue is with the task bar. I often have to click twice to start programs from the task bar. Also, sometimes the left-click actually brings up the right-click menu for programs on task bar. This is a small annoyance, but I'm sure that there will be a patch for this soon enough.
guys, i spend half and hour and still could not find a way to show this pc and file explorer on desktop. this thing drive me crazy with gazillion of new things.
Some nice images here: Code: C:\Users\{userprofile}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets They have to be renamed with .JPG extension. I'm not sure if these are new/updated or not. But quite nice quality. EDIT: It appears that these are the Lock Screens.
I have the exact same problem. Tried several different things... tried installing 4 times and gave up. Upgrading from 10061.