So this is the build that Microsoft is going to release today?! If yes, i'm going to install it on my PC & Laptop right now
Only for 900, 700, 600 series cards. Everything else use the latest Win8.1 driver and works fine (my experience anyway)
No it's same key of previous builds, but esd is changed (this is official from generic link, and not from link generated by windows 7 upgrade)
i notice this mornning win10 is asking me for activation it will not take the 233PK telling me the default key is in use..... is their another enterprise key out their?
wow, so many useless features.... wow a new browser i'll never use, wow crappy voice activated cortona that will spam you will advertisements for their crappy store, it's like they have no idea
because i've used windows for over 20 years and now its turning into a big pile of spamming s**t so excuse me if i'm interested