I find it funny that you think i'm buddies with someone else who shares a similar opinion, are you really that ignorant? is it easier for you to process it this way? besides, I have not spent the majority of my time on these forums talking trash about windows 10, ive been a member since 2009 and mostly lurk this is a discussion board for windows 10, im sorry you cant take the negative comments towards your beloved operating system I was expressing my disappointment with Microsoft and their direction with windows 10 I'll be upgrading for one reason: -DirectX 10 (WDDM 2.0) From a business stand-point however, its not worth it over Windows 7... much like how Windows 8 was not worth it I just hope I can turn off all these useless features, and wish they add a power-user mode to streamline the process
Actually I want to hear it; stop foisting your beliefs on others -- because we don't want to hear your whining.
anyone getting prob to search for apps and programs with the start menu. p type paint or word or even calculator. it does not bring out the desired app unless indexing is on. even when its on its not working. on a side note is it safe to let indexing on , on an SSD?
is it safe to download Windows 10 Build 10102 from the mega link posted or should i keep with Windows 10 Build 10074?
I would like to point out that at //build/ I saw them using 10075 not sure if that is what we will get as 10074 is still an internal build. (I know it's hard to see the white numbers)
There is no need to download it as it's Chinese only. Some people also reported that 10074 is actually newer than 10102.
The Mega link several pages back was in English: 10102.0.150417-2325.WINMAIN_PRS_CLIENTPRO-CORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO