Wrong, fully updated drivers with a high end AMD GPU, my brother with a high end NVIDIA GPU and fully updated drivers experienced the exact same thing Disabling transparency/glass, fixed it 100%
I'm well-aware that "Universal Apps" will run in a resizable window in Windows 10. If they weren't I wouldn't be asking as I would never even considering using a "Universal App" if I wasn't able to run it in a resizable window on a desktop. But if we have the same limitation whereas a "Modern App" can not start-up with the computer, and you won't be able to run more than one, single instance of a "Modern App" it's still pretty useless on a desktop if you ask me. Spartan / Edge is supposed to be a "Modern App / Universal App", are you able to actually open several instances of the browser or are you being forced to run a single instance with multiple tabs?
That was related to desktop compositioning / DWM as a whole, but as of Windows 8 you can't disable DWM / compositioning. So with or without glass its still going to compose the desktop via Direct2D anyway, the difference is a flat UI and Glass. When you disabled Glass on Windows 7, it by extension also disabled compositioning. Anyway, I'm sure it'll be optional just like with Windows 7 - glass anyway - not DWM. And Microsoft fully restoring Aero Glass to Window titles may be what pushes a lot of Windows 7 diehards into upgrading. Microsoft using the word "default" in that blog entry pretty much says it will be optional, even if its enabled by default.
Well disabling glass on 7, and without glass on 8.1, HDMI video is perfectly smooth With glass enabled in 7, it was a stuttery mess Aero was not the issue, glass was
Yes ctrl N and ctrl click open another browser. Regards Edit: It does appear that it does not remember size and opens a default size somewhat smaller.
Why is that? Windows 10 Insider Preview official Build 10074 en-us ISO=3.78 GB My ISO (made me from official ESD (x64) Build 10074 en-us)=3.42 GB
We have both a working start screen and aero glass and a stable build of windows for those of us who have good hardware
I have a problem, how do we do this to build this PC icon displayed on the desktop? The right-click button, and Custom is like before the icon displayed on the desktop can be further modified. So how does the?