Maybe it's just me but the Start Menu or whatever it claims to be is a real annoyance. Trying to drag tiles around and it just wants to keep creating new group sections which for some reason you can't remove, even if there aren't any tiles in the group.
Microsoft has new feature called Windows spotlight under the lock screen settings that changes wallpapers from day to day. Some really awesome looking HD Wallpapers here that you might want to use for your desktop. Go here to get them C:\Users\{your name}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets Copy them to your desktop and rename them xxxx.jpg Here is an example I got that is very cool!
This is a bugged build and if you upgraded it might not work. I had to clean install twice to get it to work.
Clean install was a bit funny for me too. No matter what I did on 3 separate full clean installs, I could not get my WIFI to connect (other devices were fine). This included trying different driver versions etc. However, after doing an upgrade of 10074 over the existing 10074, WIFI works perfectly . Try doing an upgrade of 10074 over a clean 10074 and see if it helps, it's possible something is awry with the clean install method. By upgrade, I mean running the same installer from within 10074 instead of booting to it, and I mean from a clean 10074 and reinstalling 10074 over the top of it.
Back during the windows 8 preview there were several issues with wifi drivers not working as you are having in some builds, in other builds other hardware drivers would not work. Comes with the territory. Glad you got it sorted out. I am having my own issues with AMD stuff. I can't install the Control Center and have a working driver for my graphics. But as annoying as it is, it can fun to figure it out or figure out how to get around the issue in beta software.
Spartan works for me...Edge is a new technology to allow you to mark up and share website with others...may or may not be in this version as they said today. Hell thought I would check and yes Edge is working in Spartan for me as well...have no idea how I might ever use it...same for Cortanna...but that is just me.
updated 10016 to 10074 on 2 computers x86 and x64 through the win update, and everything is working fine.
You have need remove {} in the space. Like this. Spoiler C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets Remove the space