yeah I must be an idiot because this build is the worst i've tried yet, wtf is wrong with you? does it make you feel better to post dumb meme's and insult people? the first build was probably the best (9926 or w/e it was), with the least amount of bugs it's like MS is working backwards
Has there been any word about the windows 10 SKU's That will be available? I know there still have core pro and enterprise also a new Education edition which in windows 8.1 was ProfessionalStudent? And wmc is still a target edition in 10074, I thought that would have gone by now..
Code: Core CoreConnected CoreCountrySpecific CoreSingleLanguage CoreConnectedCountrySpecific CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Education EmbeddedIndustry EmbeddedIndustryA EmbeddedIndustryE Enterprise EnterpriseS PPIPro Professional ProfessionalS ProfessionalStudent ProfessionalWMC all Core and Professional SKUs can be upgraded to Education (Except ProfessionalS) Education itself cann't be upgraded
I'm using WMC on 10074 right now, it still show win 8.1 proWMC branding, I'm afraid it will not reach the light of the final version.
Um, guys, K-12 means Kindergarten thru 12th grade (High School). Please stop bashing for people having an opinion. Especially when you have no idea what you are talking about.
lol I think you miss it Skaendo, they know full well what K-12 is. T-S is saying you need to be k5 or under to use the start menu and metro craps, and well you get it... lite humor among moofs now back to my alien 4 titty love circle
I'm aware of what K-12 is, but you should Google for the word "irony", it isn't just a line of Swatch wristwatches
I have a few problems. -Starting a "modern" app, this can't have any text or icon in title bar, but if i move the cursor in the place when the icon is, the text appears and the function works (minimize, maximize, close). Tried to change color and theme and don't work. Normal explorer apps and windows works perfect (see the attached picture) -Start any modern app and mantain windowzed (no fullscreen) and start any "normal" explorer app (open a folder), explorer.exe crash and close, i need to run manually to appears and works ok.