Did he work well before it? If yes, restart the machine... Edit: Get-appxpackage -all *shellexperience* -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”)}
It's not reverted. It's right-to-left user interface (Although start menu button located at left side of the screen).
WHat I have seen is the need CCC gets stuck trying to install and load or parts of it. MY fix but you will not have access to CCC is go the AMD folder on the Windows drive in my case C:\AMD Rename the Folder WU-CCC2 to WU CCC.bak Reboot, and it all goes away. YOu have to let it install the at least the win 10 tp driver. I have been exploring options due to a different issue I am having, but ones of these will work. I have also had some luck following instructions posted around page 60 or so.
The whole point of Safe Mode is to utilize it when you need it, and when people need it they're already hosed, so to speak! This just shows more of Microsoft's methods of bad business practices, and hoping customers will go out and pay for support or buy another computer! Shame on MS for such piss poor architecture! Do you really think the average Joe is going to use bcdedit before they're hosed? No! MS, Shame on you! While Linux is getting live kernel patching (SUSE & Red Hat have two different technologies), Windows still needs restart after restart for applying updates. And when you just thought you were done with updates, even more come in which requires another restart! Microsoft's kernel's are old technology just like their aging NTFS filesystem. I can't believe people are still buying this complete horse crap. People that "need" Windows are like heroin junkies -- A. because a junky needs their fix B. because junkies have brain damage
Windows is going for lowest common denominator with their preschool Metro tiles and feudalistic app store where they have entire control over what gets in the app store and what doesn't. What happens if there's a dispute with a developer? MS can pull the app right out of the app store, and remove it off your PC through the backdoor found in Windows 10. Windows has gone in a terrible direction and I am not the only one who sees this or who has written about it.
Okay, I understand you, but, I like it together with all of his mistakes and I use it, and we are you are some so one hundred million users.
Please explain the problems! Did you make an upgrade or clean install? I think, that you have to ask, what is wrong with your PC or installation? Yes, you're right: The best build, that was released after Windows 8.1 (Update)!!! You're right again, because they're working now on technologies that exist for more than 20 years! For example Hololens, that was show long time ago by Starwars - if I remember me correctly, in Captain Future, too!...! But there is one thing, that I don't understand: In fact of your statement, why MS don't count the build numbers backwards ...?
With an MS account, lots of spying is done on the user. They will have all people's emails, credit card data, finger print, voice print (with Cortana), search history (Bing included), app store install history and usage data, SpyDrive files, and more. Does anyone else see a problem here? It's important that Linux is open source so we can view the source code and inspect for back doors. With Windows 10 being proprietary, nobody knows where the back doors are (besides the wide open one in the app store [kill switch]) or how they function. MS tips off NSA about vulnerabilities in Windows before they're patched. Windows 10 is not safe to use from a data security standpoint, nor is any version of Windows Server. Microsoft has very close ties to the U.S. government, in fact, you could almost consider the company a branch of the United States government. Why do you think during the antitrust trials MS came out unscathed? Microsoft is not fighting for the customer, or their privacy. They are out to do whatever it takes to make money, even if that means being a sellout. When are people going to ever wake up?
Yes but the majority here are happy to ignore it, and tell you that you shouldn't mind them doing that either "because it's a test version". Which is an idiotic argument from mostly fools who believe that this info is going to in any way shape or form affect actual development plans, but there you go. Ignoring the problem is their solution.
But i'm talking about what's going to end up in the final version, not just the preview! The Preview is practically one big spying machine. I guess the saying is true, ignorance is bliss! And if you don't have that spark going on in your brain, well...
The PC market share is going to continue to dwindle down as we progress in the future. So even if it's 90%, it's 90% of a smaller number. This is why Microsoft is trying to foist Windows Phone on you, but nobody likes it because even the non-technical folks know Windows Phone is a piece of s**t and the UI is as ugly as a baboon's asshole. When developers are some of the smartest people on the planet, do you really think they are going to risk their Win32 investment and hand the keys over to MS so MS gets a cut of their app store sales, when the app store is completely dead and has no interest? It's a catch-22! You need developers to have an app store, and an app store needs developers to succeed. The Windows store is DOA, just as is Windows Phone. But MS doesn't get the hint. All the stuff at the Build conference was just more rhetoric -- they were reading teleprompters because no one at MS truly believes in their product. They have to be told what to say by the Microsoft board of directors and their speech writers. MS can only fool people for so long, but they certainly aren't going to be fooling most devs! One dispute with MS, and your app can be pulled from the app store forever. Now, tell me, why would a dev who already has successful advertising on the internet for their application risk letting MS have the keys to their hard work in many hours of coding? They'd move to Linux or OSX before that happened.
Absolutely NOTHING online is safe. As soon as any electronic device is connected, it is 'vulnerable'. Sure, some are more secure than others, but I would be more worried about those at their who steal identities, personal information, credit card info etc, rather than the NSA (or for Australians, the ASD), or any other acronym agency. They're more concerned with terrorism and associated activities, not whether you have download the latest episode of your favourite TV show (you know, because you missed it or something ). Same goes for the CIA (or in Australia ASIS), and to a lesser extent (maybe) Homeland Security (ASIO in Australia, not to be confused with ASIS). I think people would get worried if they knew what has been stopped through this 'voluntary' dissemination of data by users. Then there's the other side of things with privacy, but there has to be the balance between privacy and what personal information is used by the above, and other, governmental agencies.
No terror attack has been foiled by the NSA program. In fact 9/11 should have been stopped since they already had fiber taps on fiber optic lines and the Narus devices were already in place. So I'm not sure what your point is? That giving up liberties for perceived security is justified, when in fact it's a reason to roll out a police state?