Here is the aero glass 1.3.1 + glasspwn(Aeroglass' watermark remover). If u use 10074 debug version you can get theme color on window shells.
Sorry, but "post-PC" is not my idea of progress... Maybe that will do for the Apple luddites who generally don't know the difference between ram DIMMs and a mouse--but nothing being manufactured at the moment can touch a Windows PC for user-friendliness in terms of customer configuration options and user serviceability/"upgradability." (Windows supports more 3rd-party applications and hardware than any other OS on the planet.) I didn't like 13"-15" screens in 1986 because I thought they were too small--going back to those teeny-tiny monitors is not my idea of progress, either. Give me 27" of screen or give me dea--no, I won't quite say that... I agree that the best thing Microsoft can do from now on is to stop copying Apple. Ugh. Apple is 2/3 a cell-phone company; Microsoft is 2/3+ a software company, and emulating Apple is a huge negative for Microsoft--just like what would happen to Apple if they stopped peddling hardware to n00bs and took OS X to the general markets to compete head-on with Windows--it'd be all over for Apple pretty quick, I imagine...
What always gets to me about these discussions is that I don't understand what people have that they think the government "wants"... Eh?
For the record I noticed that all the latest build wont break anymore the legacy menu setting, if you set the bootloader in legacy mode and then upgrade to or install win 10, the setting is retained, which is a very welcome improvement over win 8.x and win 10 build 9xxx.
For the normal person, nothing. It's only that fraction of one percent, but they have to work out what that fraction is. It also forces persons of interest to use old school means, which is more difficult, much slower and involves more of the old school type intelligence. So, it is both a direct and indirect approach in terms of surveillance and intelligence.
burfadel, now it just sounds like you've switched to talking out your rear end. Let's see some facts from a reputable source if you are going to throw stats out there, not just your opinion about what "old school tactics" are and "a fraction of a percent". Where are you getting this data?
Yes, I think it is silly of Microsoft to remove those options--thanks for reminding me that I need to send them some feedback about that. I haven't had any trouble with CRU & Win10... I've got a game which now opens to 640x480 @ 75Hz when I run the game from a 1920x1200 x60Hz desktop. What may be happening in your case is that your kHz is out of bounds for your monitor (it's not just the Hz you have to worry about.) Also, remember to use it with the custom EDID block portion of the program (what I had to use to get CRU to do what I wanted.) The black screen is normal for Windows when the gpu attempts to open a screen outside of the refresh rates the monitor can handle--either kHz or Hz--and the monitor loses sync with the gpu and you get a black screen (otherwise the refresh rate might harm the monitor.) Even without CRU you can manually open a > 60Hz screen right from Windows (provided you monitor supports > 60Hz at the resolution you've chosen)--if you have the AMD Catalysts it is simplicity itself. In Win10 Just go to Settings/Display/AdvancedDisplaySettings/DisplayAdapterProperties/List all modes and from the list you can select the resolution and Hz refresh rates that your gpu drivers support--and open the screen from there. But CRU is best if you want to set it up so that any application opening that resolution will use your custom Hz/kHz refresh rates.
I installed AMD-Catalyst-15.4 Beta just fine. On first install I got a black screen, rebooted, checked Device Manager, Driver got installed but not CCC Center. On 2nd install I just checked to install CCC Center only, got installed and didn't have to reboot. I'm all good. I also disabled WU Services so it wont reinstall the WU Driver again.
Good idea! I renamed WU-CCC2, rebooted, and my CCC is still there, but loads quickly with none of that loading garbage that was causing me (and you, apparently) so much trouble. If you want the CCC active (but behaved) remember to install the latest AMD Catalyst set, taking care to use the custom install and uncheck the driver install so that just the CCC components that you want will install. This keeps the WDDM2.0 driver in place with the 15.4b CCC (what I'm using.) Good call!
How's that...?... It never existed anyway--as Apple just reported a slight uptick in Mac sales (PCs), and at least Cook is not saying "post PC" anymore as iPad sales continue to drop like a rock. Cook even stated that he had no idea when (if ever) iPad sales would rebound. Another Apple fad bites the dust... Good news!