Maybe, who knows? But may I see the things from an different view?! Anyway, I'm just an imperfect human (which I'm like to be), while others see them as perfect (what they're for sure NOT)!
I do love the direction Microsoft is taking with Spartan / Edge, it's about time we get some actual competition for Chrome on Windows as Chrome has been going downhill for the past year or so.. But sadly it seems like Spartan / Edge suffers from the same inconsistencies as Internet Explorer does? And I doubt they will go away as they've been present in Internet Explorer for quite some time now. For instance, commenting in comment sections using Disqus is a pain due to both IE11/12 and Spartan/Edge not being able to do line-shifting at all. Even though I format my comments using half-decent spacing and line-shifting they all disappear as soon as I post my comment forcing me to edit my comment to get the back in. Secondly, things like reply with quote on forums based on IP.Board is not working most of the time. Making it impossible for me to quote others. I have never had any of these issues with browsers like Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. But with IE11/12 and Spartan/Edge these kind of issues seems to be all-over-the-place really dragging the browser experience down the drain. Microsoft also needs to separate the browsers proofing controls from the operating system itself. For people like me who like to have Windows and all it's content and everything displayed in English, but still post lots of things on the Internet in my native language (Norwegian) it's really annoying to have to actually active the damn language bar in Windows and jump from English - Norwegian Keyboard Layout and Norwegian - Norwegian Keyboard Layout to have the correct spelling and proofing tools when need be. And if I forget to change back from Norwegian - Norwegian Keyboard Layout to English - Norwegian Keyboard Layout a lot of applications and whatnot starts to default to Norwegian.... Why can't we have a simply option to right-click and change proofing language within the browers like every other popular browser have been offering for ages?
As you know there is a RTM and GA ( General Availability ). This date must be GA. Windows 10 RTM will be released between August - October.
how he supposed press on the language when it not showing? I think screenshot is from windows 8.1 showing language bar
At the moment I am running Windows 8.1. I have had 10, but it was really lagged on the startups, because of AMD drivers (catalyst was crashing when I tried to log in my system).