Hum, since #10061 didn't want to upgrade while preserving user data (maybe because the former preview was simply too old or because the license expired) I had to let the installation reinstall the system and let it move everything to windows.old\. After that I only removed the for me unnecessary windows.old\windows folder and planned to move the other useful bits over time. Just a day later windows update started to download #10074 and I let it install. Unfortunately, this upgrade also overwrote the windows.old folder. So my first question is whether it is the default behavior to create a backup and whether the only way to preserve existing data is by renaming the folder? Secondly, can I upgrade preview leaks by unpacking/mounting the ISO without using an external device? Lastly, does anyone know whether windows update overwrites the MBR while upgrading? Thanks in advance.
It's not normal. Two clean installs in a row should be left you with a windows.old AND a windows.old.000 folders. Another one and you should have also windows.old.001, and so on
Is the upgrade bug already fixed? As in, upgrading from Windows 8.1 (or a previous preview) to 10, and then it downloads ALL the language packs, which makes it take hours?
i do belive wzor is right, oem-partners to get RTM in july/august, GA retail date september-october? But if you are insider you will get to upgrade your build in july to rtm, while the ones who arent insiders must wait for ga-date or leak .iso
Last build in impressive branch is 10120, previous bet, new insiders preview build will go from 1013x to 1015x (if this will be released from half to end june)
Looks like a fake. What on earth is "Microsoft Pre-Release Product Codenamed Cloud" ? It also has the old .exe icon, you can see it if you look at the taskbar carefully. Start menu is a complete fake or a 3rd party start menu alternative, Win10 doesn't have a menu like that. And, last but not least, glass thingy on titlebars must be Glass10 or something else.