Should we start a seperate thread for known issues/ bugs? Anyway logitech gaming software will not install. It crashes to lock screen during install. Worked in all previous version. /edit got it to install after another restart.
Here's how to enable blur on startmenu: Goto: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" Change key: EnableBlurBehind to 1 Restart
I just wanted to confirm that esd-decrypter-wimlib-4 is still working fantastic with this build. I know that it is probably quite obvious. But I mention it only because there was more talk of users using the newer decrypter at the time this build came out.
Wzor now says: "Sources: Microsoft made a decision. All participants of the program Windows will be able to upgrade to the RTM of Insiders with saving activation free!"
Dunno why that other link was even posted - does absolutely nothing more than we already have. They just changed stuff around in the script and added a version check with bitsadmin.
Yes, it does. Except a corrupt ESD like 10074.0.150424-1350.fbl_impressive_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_x64fre_zh-tw_40727643AEB338C657C8A8B981BC5AC4B7C79476.esd
just tested with vlc (32 bit) and GPU-Z, pinned and launched both. Assuming this is what you mean as I hardly use the start menu.
Had the 3D Weather tile flipping just now, only worked for a few flips then stopped EDIT - Works when you close the weather app in tablet mode
UI colour change to match wallpaper doesn't work after an upgrade, even after SFC, but works fine with a clean install