Does not matter, Nvidia should not remove the GTX300/400/500 series. The windows 7/8/8.1 driver works fine for windows 10. Why they remove suddenly support for it ? Yet they give Sony and Fujitsu Siemens a modified driver ?
I have windows 10 build 10074 with nvidia drivers of windows 8.1 and is work great but i have often the black screen.. I do not like nvidia drivers support for now .. No drivers yet for windows 10 for the series 600 or less , i have the 200 series.. So nothing?? EDIT: I have changed my card for the 700 series..
Interesting info from WZor: tokens.dat making backup can be reinstalled from scratch and restore the Win10 activation, but only on the hardware where it was previously activated.
Anyone know if i'll be able to obtain a w10 iso with my w8 key so I can do a fresh install instead of an upgrade?
On build 10074 x64 Windows after some time automatically installs the driver for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 ver 8.970.100.9001 with a date of 1/13/2015. Does anyone know where this file is downloaded to? My thought would have been the SoftwareDistribution Folder but I don't see it there. I am trying to see If I can download and incorporate the driver with a install...
It's impossible, at least for me, to play GTA V offline / story mode on Windows 10! I've lost all of my saves twice already and had to restart it again and again. On Windows 8.1 it's all OK. Anyone here experiencing this?