I Installed 10074 but when windows update run "Synaptics driver update for Synaptics HID TouchPad" crashes windows every time and forces reboot any way of stopping this update and installing all of the other ones
Hello guys , I'm trying to learn more Powershell , and I have heard that there is a new version coming with windows 10 , I already played with it (build 10074) , my question is there way to import it to windows 7 ? thanks
FYI, dism doesn't support "adding" msu files online you have to extract and use cab files, or use wusa (or msu directly) Code: for /f %i in ('dir /b C:\UPDATE\*.msu') do (%i /quiet /norestart)
I will correct that post as soon as possible. Thanks. Edit: Abbody, the msu must be run with Windows Update Service enabled.
I see Code: md C:\UPDATE\cab for /f %i in ('dir /b C:\UPDATE\*.msu') do (expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab %i C:\UPDATE\cab >nul) dism /online /add-package /packagepath:C:\UPDATE\cab rd /s /q C:\UPDATE\cab
I have a doubt,those windows 8.1 activate by telephone on MS with serial leaked by net... will be possible do the upgrade for windows 10 without lose the validation?
If you updated with leaked serial it's likely MAK and MAK like KMS is not part of the "free upgrade".
can you call and activate using a MAK, it immediately becomes obvious that it is VL when punched in. I thought only retail etc could be phoned in. Never tried so asking lol
You could call MS for activation of an VL if you have just limited 'seats' bought (up to 20 AFAIK, but could be wrong). I've a few customers who having 5 and 10 Seat Licenses and the activation is done manually by phone with no problems via Singapore Activation Center on free 800 number. You'll need your Licenses and Enrollment number which contains 8 number digits. That's all!
True I have talked to an Microsoft guy on telephone activation he said I had used up my key ! but that I still could activate trough phone tho