There are only so many times I can repeat the f****** words IT IS NOT RELATED TO MICROSOFT ACCOUNTS, OR UPGRADING. It is a BUG with the Administrator account. Jesus christ...
These are specific to the Administrator account, regardless of them working under local or MS accounts, and even occur when Windows is activated. Enable the Administrator account via gpedit.msc and log in as it. Right click the desktop and either Display Settings or Personalisation will throw up error messages and you cannot access them. While you CAN get to them via the Control Panel, Personalisation will be lacking several features such as Taskbar colour and transparency options that are available under local or MS accounts. There is no way to access these as Administrator. (You know? The one account that is SUPPOSED to have access to everything on the system...) "Settings" - the new variant of the Control Panel - is COMPLETELY inaccessible to the Administrator. Yes. That's right. The SYSTEM OWNER cannot access SETTINGS, including Privacy options, etc. Why? Because in their infinite wisdom, they made this an "app". And you will get the old style error telling you you can't run "apps" as the Administrator. ...The person who should have ultimate access to the system has less access and features than a regular user. Absurd.
This isn't a "bug" but a limitiation, all the WinRT stuff is sandboxed through UAC and if you disable UAC you also break the sandboxing which in turn breaks WinRT applications, i don't know if Microsoft will ever change that.
I am distinctly not your friend. My friends generally possess basic reading comprehension skills and ability to understand more than basic words. EDIT: thank you ignore list once again.
It is a bug if the system Administrator cannot actually administer the system. Broken "by design" is still broken. A system Administrator not even able to access basic display settings..? Come on now.
I wonder if once you have done the free upgrade to RTM, your be able to use a key finder to get the product key so that you can do a clean install and activate again using the found key.
Microsoft is aware of that but like i said i don't know if they will fix that, it's really only a real issue currently for Audit mode anyway, you aren't supposed to use the Administrator account like it's your main account anyway. Needless to say, they will move more stuff over to WinRT so they will eventually have to fix this otherwise Administrator and Audit (System) modes will be borderline broken when you need them.
Looks like you won't need 10130 for free upgrade. But you will need to hop on to next official flight with registered msa to obtain free rtm.....