I know I just was hoping that we would at least be able to upgrade to next build with no issues...But turns out no....
You can, so long as they are from Insiders site or WU, no leaks, won't be long, probably new build for you this week
I also had no problems with ring selection at 10130 and/or 10135. First problem with ring selection on 10147. If problem persist check the integrity of ISO image ans SHA/MD5 sum and do a clean install.
why NO? It is gett'n better from build to build. If you stay with official issues and update when available, you should not see many problems. Next official iteration certainly overrides 10147 and will be most stable. It can be one of the latest builds prior to escrow.> RTM will follow shortly after
I also do not understand this way of thinking. If you stay with official WU updates and/or ISO images, everything should be OK.
How to repair Windows image: In ADMIN Cmd Prompt type sfc /scannow may take up to 3 times press enter on keyboard if this finds errors try In ADMIN Cmd Prompt Type Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Press enter on keyboard, wait for it to finish, If this does not fix problem, then With ISO Media in CD/DVD tray: (The same media you installed image with) Type in ADMIN Cmd Prompt DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:wim:C:\install.wim:1 /limitaccess press enter on keyboard, wait for it to finish--C would be drive letter of your CD/DVD tray If this does not work, sit back, relax several options now: Backup copy of image Reset/Recovery Reformatt partition, install ISO again Hope this helps
Ur right each build is getting better and better... The only thing is you don't know what to expect with leaked builds... I'm using 147 as main OS and probably shouldn't have done that...
you were told many times in advance NOT to use beta software as your main OS. If you are happy with, it is OK but you should not blame MS for malfunction though
That is why leaked builds are not for everyone (actually official beta as well). Are you complaining that you've installed 10147? C'mon - no one forced you to do that - you know the risk. I don't understand the situation - any time you can go back to more stable 10130 or even to 8.1. Beta tests for Windows 10 are not a must...