Oh, that's the first I have heard that..sorry. Hopefully we get an official release soon or I will try a clean install myself and see what happens.
Actually no matter leaked build or official build worked with my Win8 OEM key before, just this build I can't activate with my OEM key
Just to note: on build 10147 I get problems with Chrome. It just opens a few pages and most of my standard pages I couldn't open. Even I use Hide All IP, I couldn't open most of the sites in Chrome, they working in both way Ok with Edge!
For the guys who are looking for the real checksums: Code: 10147.0.150613-1600.FBL_IMPRESSIVE_CLIENTPRO-CORE_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO SHA1: FF39B0B45D7A13D47C606CD782B8952EE590ABDE MD5: A6DD9949750564E16C0987864DF8EFFB CRC32: 0C6091E1
Here's someting new..and nice..you can change your default text size in display without it asking you to log out and back in, at least it didn't ask me just now when I changed it.
It was done in a pretty crappy way, taking the easiest way out instead of doing actual moderation. The name of the successor thread was also a terrible choice. Two wrongs make...two wrongs.
Mount the ISO and upgrade. I did that with mine and all went smoothly without a code (mine was activated before, dont know if that makes a difference). Maybe they made it where if your system is activated you can upgrade without any problem, like they said it would during the RTM???
This is exactly what i did too, all went fine. I had not noticed before, maybe this feature existed in previous builds, but i got two new options in windows update: first, i was asked to change to a microsoft account in order to "fix" some updates and second, i have an option for "microsoft features" to be tested/added ( ? ). Were these present before or is it really something new?