This close to the end it will be really hard to stay on subject for more than a day..nobody really cares how the current build is, just when will the next one be out.
Guess I must be more than nobody If there's any known fixes for how to make this build work with NAS shares (via SMB/CIFS/Samba) properly and have authentication, I'm all ears. That was the only issue I had with this build, and unfortunately it's pretty show-stopper (I can't access anything I backed-up). I looked through the feedback app, and apparently this has been reported a few times relatively recently. Can't tell which build exactly, but I'm "assuming" it happens on 10130 too.
i understand that....but nothing so far from MS.....all their saying now to insiders to stay with the official 10130 install to upgrade to RTM. let see what BS they dish out tomorrow or in a few days
That would be rather silly now don't you think? Why would they want us to stay with 10130 when they not only know that there have been three builds since that, but they, themselves are going to release a couple BEFORE RTM?
They are pushing 10130 because that is the official insider build right now. Install 10147 for now-it is the most polished build right now you can get your hands on . The next official build will have all the quality improvements of 10147 and more, download that when its released and clean install, activate with your MSA account and continue from there until RTM...No more confusion.
Used to be 10130, now next build, see link above, just make sure Under Settings- Microsoft Accounts you verify it But 10130 still works for RTM, just verify it
this is funny this has to be the subject most talk in the MDL theirs thousand threads about this......i get a answer like that i can tell u have not been reading
I dont deny it....theirs tons more i have to read and for this thread it longer serve a purpose is gone totally south.....Admin need close this up.