wishful thinking but not absurd !! My talk many years ago btw. Bavo (most respected MDL member) recorded my words least 3 or 4 years ago haha
Apart from that number I wonder what branch RTM will come from. There's nothing on vnext that looks like a dedicated one for release candidates/pre-RTM builds.
sure do, and your 10800 is myth so keep wishing for that build number <3 unless they have a build 10800 sitting idling by like i keep telling you, its not gonna happen maybe near xmas time.
quiet please !!! I never announced a 10800 though. thread title is about one of these numbers which can be possible but the secret shows later when due ... I'd accept your apology upon this ridiculous accuse Thanks in advance
What? you keep promoting that build number........................................ id love to know where you get all your info from FYI: I dont apologize that easy lol
Grashopper, show me one post where I promoted the 10800 as the build. Don't smoke and fight against old MDL PPL. B sure U loose
some things must be said anyway though Now thread can be closed or continued ... nah wait: leaks are most due
warez sites, as in scene sites or the cheapo warez sites? Scene sites have everything a days to weeks before torrent sites, thats for sure. But no joy with MS windows builds normally. We see the leaks here before the little leecher sites do.