Something so blatantly obvious can't be the surprise, that's right there in everyone's face - it's gotta be something deeper than that where most people would miss it. And yes, the salt reference... got it.
if you take the link open the powershell with adminstrator rights and put this Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | Select -ExpandProperty FileList | Select -ExpandProperty RemoteName >$env:userprofile\desktop\ESD-url.txt you will in your desktop the link of your .esds if you want share it..
Where are you located, I don't know if it's in your area or not, join insider program, then try it, should work
Well, well, the old call for "kill x86"... Spoiler ...but people forget that most consumer software and tools are still 32-bit applications and are likely to remain like that for a long time because a lot of them just don't need the major benefit of x64 - a larger address space. They're happy with 3 Gigs, it's not like the shift from 16- to 32-bit. Now x64 is effectively a waste of memory on devices with only 1-2 GB of RAM, due to larger executables and because of the doubled pointer size. Why kill x86? Most modern code is written in a manner that it compiles for both x86 and x64 without a lot of modifications anyway, it's merely setting a compiler switch. I think instead of asking to kill x86 people should call for an additional, pure x64 version of Windows, with the WOW64 layer removed, if running only 64-bit applications is what they want and are going to do. But don't complain afterwards if you stumble upon some little nice program but cannot run it because it's x86. Spoilered because a little off-topic.