okay that explains it then. I did sign in using my Microsoft account this time though I usually dont. its still spooky though. thanks.
Was just my opinion is all, all RTM's in the past have been released 3-4 weeks ahead of Official release dates, If this is true then OEM's can get there hardware ready on July 29th.
oh now i have a separate audio inputs and outputs section in device manager, did not see that before ???
If they're totally separate then it'll remain activated. If they share the same boot partition, however, it'll lose activation. It's super easy to fix, but it's got to be done after each Windows 10 build has been installed.
It's allright It's just that Jean got confused for second happens to everyone so not a problem And I'm sure your right as they have 20 something days left before GA
realtek alc 887 here, it bothers me that it was working perfectly in all the builds until 10158 the one that had it working must have another chip, please specify what chip
Well i am on a workstation z87-ws mobo with an alc1150 maybe easier to fit in win 10 ??? had no problems with any tp previews launched up to this day ???
just installed 10158 to check IIS version in another thread, now 10159. If we find 10162 within the next 6 hours, Ill give BillyG and company a bunch of wedgies
What problem exactly? So far, my desktop and laptop have been fine (both using Realtek, not sure on codecs). A different laptop I had with 10158 though had the entire sound system not work (even after reboots) after I tried starting up WoW. Also, does anyone know if that network transfer of updates thing even works? Under WU settings, there's a setting that allows you to grab updates from MS and other computers on the network, but I have yet to witness it grab anything off other computers.
just a quick idea that might be wrong.make sure its activated? cause if its not you wont be able to use some settings